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The headline Main payment based on a close-up black and white image of Norwegian banknotes and coins.


Main payment 2024

We have now allocated NOK 103.2 million for music played on the radio and in shops, cafés, gyms and the like in 2023. This is distributed with NOK 50.5 million to performers and NOK 52.7 million to record companies and self-producers.

The following three areas are included in the main payment for the use of music in 2023:

  1. Broadcasting

    - NRK - all channels
    - P4 - all channels
    - Radio Norge - all channels

    So far, we have processed 96.8 percent of the music used on these channels in 2023. This means 68,619 recordings with a total playing time of 130,006 hours.

    Gramo money for local radio will be paid out in June.
  1. Shops, cafés, fitness centers and similar

    A proportion of these businesses play radio for their customers and guests. This money is distributed according to radio reports. The rest of the Gramo money for this area will come when we have received reports for businesses that use streaming services as a music source.
    ‍Read more inour article about Gramo money for more
  2. Money from abroad

    Gramo money for use of music in the following countries:

    - Brazil
    - Canada
    - Denmark
    - Finland
    - Ireland
    - Iceland
    - Italy
    - Croatia
    - Netherlands
    - Poland
    - Spain
    - United Kingdom
    - Sweden

How we calculate payment for artist and musician (performer)

How we calculate the payout for master rights (producer)

Other current affairs

Cover image for Eyes Closed by Ed Sheeran

The 100 most played songs on local radio in 2023

Ed Sheeran's "Eyes Closed" was the most played song on local radio in 2023. It has been played for 504 hours and 32 minutes. It was Miley Cyrus with "Flowers" that topped on national radio, while Aden Foyer and the song "The Ballet Girl" was among the top three on both national and local radio.

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Cover image for Eyes Closed by Ed Sheeran

The 100 most played songs on local radio in 2023


Eight out of ten most played artists were men

In 2023, the men continue to dominate the top list. The two women on the list are Norwegian, and with this Emma Steinbakken and Dagny mark their place in the top tier.

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Eight out of ten most played artists were men


Norwegian music dominates on NRK

More than half of the music played on NRK radio channels in 2023 was Norwegian. On the commercial radio channels, international music dominates.

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Norwegian music dominates on NRK

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